With moments to collect and preserve...
and insipid goodbyes to deflect before the bus crawls along grudgingly...
the lachrymals will reinstate my faith in the interminable, solitary hours that succeed...
so will my dull and heavy memory...

I want to write...
about The Great Big Donor Show...
and Garden State...
and how I am not quite sure if I enjoyed cheeni kum...

...And the reflections not quite adequate...
....And the words hanging lifeless between you and me...
.....stun the epicurean I pretend, stifle the ostentation I project...

Oh oh oh. Vacuous, vain, verily dispensing horse-excreta?? Give me some time. I am leaving forever and ever and ever for god's sake!


TS said...

Where are you going?

MISSquoted** said...

leaving behind a trivialised phase..

hullo :)

TS said...

Wow, that sounds... errr. evolutionary.

But I guess that's good.

I like anonymous blogs. Much fun.

Purely Narcotic said...

...All marked by silver shadows :)

Miss you babe!

MISSquoted** said...

ts: mucho gracias.

joybaby: mucho returns :(

Anonymous said...

People should read this.