My GRE date is looming large and without much largess unfortunately, and therefore I have little time and inclination to blog comprehensively.
Oh but something very interesting happened yesterday. I heard some mutual funds advertisement over the radio. And co-incidentally watched a mutual funds advertisement on the television the same day. Has anyone noticed the crazed speed at which the guy is speaking at the end of the advertisement, relating the perfunctory precautions? No, seriously. That speed is worth a blog entry!
And then I settled down in bed with some sumptuous viand (yessss!!! Actually a synonym for food. Help!) to get my diurnal (don't ask) dose of Seinfeld. And master Jerry speaks at the same loony speed to tell his mom off over the phone because he is expecting an important call! Talented guys these...
And here I thought I was a fast speaker. So much for divine delusions.

Oh and just as an afterthought, I stumbled upon Christophe Beck recently. The songs have been on repeat ever since. Remembering Jenny and Drink me I strongly recommend. I have not been able to listen to a very versatile collection. For that matter, I am not even sure if Beck is versatile, but it's lovely nonetheless; mellow, mellifluous instrumental (mostly piano) and I quote 'it makes you feel like you are in Europe'. Very OST-ish, the piano has a habit of doing that. Start searching :)

Also discovered The Dandy Warhols. Woo hoo hoo! Fast, frivolous and funnnnnn. I recommend the overplayed Bohemian like you, the Good Will Hunting OST track 12 Boys better and the funky We used to be friends. Thank you Suraj.

And that's all folks! Wish me luck!


Purely Narcotic said...

heh. those are all 'anony' speakers ;) (you're not killing me for this)

And you're not only a fast speaker, you're the voice of Barron's. Woman whoever uses words like 'pontification' in conversation other than, of course, our madame?

I know I'll be burnt to the ground. Amen.

Szerelem said...

Luck, luck!!

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

TS said...

Good luck kid.

And those bits of audio, where it appears as if someone is talking-at-the-speed-of-light are actually audio-files which are played with an increased speed. Or so I'm told.

MISSquoted** said...

karmic incense: Firstly. ANON not anony. heh heh. and let's not explain that shall we??

szerelem: thank you thank you.

rodrigo: err...

ts: damnit! I cant belive I didn't think of that! hmph. now I feel much stoopid.

aandthirtyeights said...

Even I was amazed until someone pointed it out to me! What amazed me was the clarity with which the guy warned the world - really fast, but you'd never misunderstand a word. Which is not the case with fast speakers in general!

suraj sharma said...

i'm afraid i'd have to agree with ts there. however, anyone worth his/her engineering degree might want to delve a bit deeper to find out exactly how is it possible to alter the "tempo" of any audio signal without a significant change in the pitch, i mean those guys don't really sound like chipmunks do they? (it's worth knowing if you ask me)

the dandy warhols, on the other hand, have nicely mastered albums that don't need transcoding in order to stream them over instant messaging clients, so the pleasure was all mine :)

and may the force be with you on the test but remember, 'online examinations are subject to careless clicks, please double-check all your answers before proceeding'

aandthirtyeights said...

there is a simple winamp plugin that can speed up/slowdown without changing pitch, and can change pitch without speed up/slow down.

suraj sharma said...

I of course, was talking about the actual process (called Audio timescale-pitch modification or Time stretching) which comes under the purview of DSP (digital signal processing), and not the tools that are used to get the job done (e.g. the aforementioned winamp plugin)

The Greatest Midget said...

glad you like the warhols :)
try godless as well.. although nothing rocks like BLY :D