“I want to do it on my own (steam).”
This in reply to why my friend chose to stick to Bangalore when he could have run off to Hong Kong [!!] for his final semester internship. And the wheels in my brain started turning with a screech here and a squeak there, and accelerating with a resounding intent.
Superficially it all seemed very incongruous to me. In this day and age where status whispers, money talks and power screams, such idealistic impulses are lost in the clamour of “ME! ME!” But the conversation ended with me feeling a little nice and plenty warm…
And it was so simple! The very fact that idealism seems like a summit unattainable is because we, as a species, have degraded so far down in our moral make-up that distances have grown longer and any effort has waned into a lingering half-attempt. Our lives have been made so simple by our evolving capabilities that we have devolved into these pampered beings that whip out their credit cards, push some buttons or call poppy up to keep that (in)famous silver spoon balanced!
And sometimes, somewhere, someone will claim that he will do it on his own, in his own way and perhaps in his own sweet time, and you will realize that those are the only kinds who refuse to acknowledge mediocrity, who try to elevate their dreams to loftier planes all the while doing it on their own terms…
…and even if they cannot quite succeed they can still look back and exclaim, ‘I did something that was pretty mediocre once, but it felt pretty damn good to me!’
And that makes me feel a little nice and plenty warm…

**with special thanks to Adam Hummel and my friend in question ;-)


Tathar Faelivrin said...

You talkin abouy Salil?

Hmmmm...well whoever it is im glad there's some hope left for humanity... And we should be more like him...or her...

"Superficially it all seemed very incongruous to me"

Hee hee... superficially, you seem very incorrigible to me.

And stop using my dialogues! :-)

MISSquoted** said...


Tathar Faelivrin said...


Anonymous said...

sometime i wonder if i thik too much

Anonymous said...

sometime i wonder if i think too much

Anonymous said...

comment comment comment...i'm bored :)

MISSquoted** said...

errr thegreatestmidget...i repeat...START POSTING!