He began with shine on you crazy diamond [and that has to be my favourite, after high hopes maybe]. And some of the other songs I recongnised were wish you were here, the final cut, comfortably numb, the dark side of the moon...songs pretty much anyone would recognise...
And everyone was swaying from side to side in the floyd-bubble which began from where Mister Waters was sitting and cooing [a trifle far from us...ahem...but well worth it!], and its periphery stretched to include us lesser mortals [minus the Oxford Phds in architecture is it??].
And those Phds certainly made their presence felt. We were in a floyd concert and a graphic novel. Especially this song called leaving Beirut, where Mister Waters made his apparent hate for Bush and his kin very obvious, with super animations on the screen behind. To quote a certain Mister Mittal [incidentally our free-pass provider, mentioned in an earlier post] 'feel aa gayeee!'
It was a brilliant concert, there was no sound distinction in any of the ticket denomination demarcations, the graphics were impressive, and although I have been off Floyd lately [have been listening to a lot of Gilmour though] I enjoyed every bit of it.
I was hoping fervently though that he would play the great gig in the sky. It just seemed like that song would fit the occasion...
And the pink, flying pig [trademark Waters apparently] with its loud calligraphy of Kafka rules!, Habeas Corpus, Free at last et al was soooo intentional. I am thinking Animal Farm. More than Animals. Forgive.

And that was that. Super.


suraj sharma said...

whoa! i sooo envy you right now :P

Purely Narcotic said...

The Perfect Circle music that you were playing(I'm assuming it was you playing it) while I lay there drifting in and out of sleep was awesome, BTW.

And yes, I *love* Animals, too. Especially after I sat listening to that whole album sometime way back in 2003...only 'cause you insisted :)

Szerelem said...

Sound like you had loads of fun :)
And finally got around to updating my blogroll, with you on it.

MISSquoted** said...

suraj: sooooooo worth it! heeeeee

joy: some a perfect circle songs i would recommend- the noose, when the levee breaks, the nurse who loved me...
wish you were here still remains my favourite album...!

szerelem: honoured! and yes i did have fun...plenty of it!